

Welsh J, Hou S, Shentu Y, Cook B, Assessing the association between the strength of state policies on school drug prevention and substance use disorders. Substance Use and Misuse. 2018.

Saloner B, MacLean C, Akosa Antwi Y.O., Cook B. Access to health insurance and utilization of substance use disorder treatment: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act dependent coverage provision. Health Economics. 2018; 27(1): 50-75.

Progovac A, Mullin B, McDowell A, Cook B. Identifying gender minority patients' health and healthcare needs in administrative claims data from a national sample of Medicare beneficiaries. Health Affairs. 2018; 37(3): 413-420.

Polo del Rio R, Esvideo C, Alvarez K, Falgas Bague I, Wang Y, Cook B, Alegría M. Co-occurrnce of posttraumatic stress disorder and cardiovascular disease among ethnic/racial groups in the United States. Psychosomatic Medicine. 2018; 80: 680-688.

Pesko M, Bains J, MacLean J.C., Cook B. Nearly half of small employers using tobacco surcharges do not provide tobacco cessation wellness programs. Health Affairs. 2018; 37(3): 473-481.

Menezes M, Robinson L.A., Sanchez M.J., Cook B. Depression in youth with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review of studies published between 2012 and 2016. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorder. 2018. 5(4): 370-389.

Hails K, Madu A, Kim D, Hahm H, Cook B, Chen J, Chang T, Yeung A, Trinh N. Exploring Asian American attitudes regarding mental health treatment in primary care: A qualitative study. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry. 2018; 30(2): 133-139.

Guerrero E, Garner B, Kong Y, Cook B. The temporal relationship between Medicaid payment acceptance and the implementation of medication assisted drug treatment. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment. 2018. 12:1-5.

Fortuna L, Cook B, Porche M, Wang Y, Amaris AM, Alegría M. Sleep disturbance as a predictor of time to drug and alcohol use in primary care. Sleep and Medicine. 2018; 42:31-37.    

Cook B, Creedon T, Wang Y, Lu C, Carson N, Jules P, Lee E, Alegría M. Examining racial/ethnic differences in patterns of benzodiazepine prescription and misuse. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2018; 187: 29-34.

Chen J, Bloodworth R, Novak P, Cook B, Goldman H.H., Rendall M.S., Thomas S.B., Reynolds C.F. Reducing preventable hospitalization and disparity: association with local health department mental health promotion activities. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2018; 54(1): 103-112.